
When you receive your copy of Shipmate, what’s the first thing you turn to?  That’s right, the ’72 Class Column.  Well, the stuff that goes in there comes from you and, in this era of e-mail and web servers, getting a few blurbs and a photo or two to the Class Scribe couldn’t be any easier.   Just click on the following and type away!

Now, if you’re one of those people who only got to this page because your son or daughter (or grandson/granddaughter for you old guys) did it for you, and you’re not into this internet stuff: Not to worry.  Your Scribe still has a mailbox out in front of his house and he likes to receive something besides junk mail and bills.  Send to:

    Rich Robison
    3126 North Greystone Drive
    Morgantown, WV 26508

For access to published issues: 
Note: you will be asked to log into the Alumni site