USNA 72 Class Store update for 45th Reunion
Posted: 4/22/2017
Early shopping deadline and key 45th Reunion registration milestone approaching!!
As previously mentioned, Memorabilia Bags WILL NOT be distributed during our 45th Reunion, but there is a place where you can get plenty of USNA ’72 gear – shop here … …at our Reunion Ship’s Store.
Early merchandise orders for mid-May shipment must be submitted before 30 April. The Ship’s Store will remain open after 30 April, however; merchandise orders placed between 1 May and 30 September will not be shipped until 02 October.
Sea Lawyer disclaimer – Some items in the Reunion Ship’s Store require a minimum number of orders for that specific item before the manufacturer will make a production run. If the minimum is not met on any given item by April 30, your credit card will not be charged for that item. Each customer who ordered the item will receive a note telling them that our supplier (Anchor Enterprises) will wait until October, which is the last deadline for orders. If the minimum has been met by then, Anchor will produce and ship the items at that time.
Deadline for early registration – The window for early registration closes on 7 June …a day we all remember well. After that, the price goes up. Don’t delay – register today!
« 2 May 2017: 20th Company Dining Out