New DMP for Character Development
Posted: 8/31/2019
As you know, we’ve raised $1.63 Million (versus a $1.0 Million goal) during our last campaign to fund the Class of 1972 DMP for Character. The role had been filled by Jim Campbell. Jim’s been replaced in the role by Tom Robertson. Tom is quite excited about the role and the opportunity it brings in developing the moral character of midshipmen. He’s looking forward to meeting as many classmates as he can, and will try and stop by the ’72 tailgaters during this season’s home football games.
Tom’s first job was to develop a “character program continuum” to help him conceptualize the specific events which make up USNA’s overall character program. It’s not for publication, and too dense to include with this Shipmate article, but Tom has conveyed to the class that he would welcome any input or suggestions that anybody might have on this continuum. Therefore, if you would like to see a copy and respond, please contact Tom directly. His e-mail address is:
So, below is a photo of a character development symposium with the mids. Additionally, I asked Tom if he would introduce himself to the class by answering two questions: (1) what was your motivation for applying for the role? and (2) what are the near-term goals you have set for the 2019/2020 academic year? Below is his response:
Tried & True w/‘72
Jeff Beard
Hello Class of 1972. I’m looking forward to meeting more of you over the coming year. My answers to the two questions posed by Jeff are:
- My motivation for applying for the role:
I believe that leaders should humbly begin every day, no matter the prospects of that day, with a profound sense of gratitude for the privilege of serving in the position in which they find themselves. When I consider serving in the role of the Class of 1972 Distinguished Military Professor for Character Education, my sense of gratitude originates from the concept of “legacy”. The members of the Class of 1972, through your generous contributions to the class fund, certainly understand the value of investing in the next generation of leaders at the United States Naval Academy. In my role as the DMP for Character Education, my daily motivation is to partner with you in building a “living legacy”, one leader at a time. By teaching in the classroom, facilitating character capstone seminars, training incoming plebes, overseeing the honor remediation program and leading research and curriculum development projects, I purpose to join with you in mentoring midshipmen and positively affecting the character and quality of the USNA graduates who will lead us into the future.
- My specific goals for 2019/2020 include:
- maintain and then improve upon the high quality of the 1/C Character Capstone seminars in terms of teaching modules, alumni involvement and guest speakers.
- promote integration of character development efforts across all USNA programs by serving as LEAD Division adviser for “Character in the Curriculum” efforts.
- promote collaboration in the field of ethical leadership with alumni and private/ public organizations and then facilitate their connection with the Brigade.
- design new course material for both core courses such as NE203 Ethics as well as electives such as NP430 Ethics in Irregular Warfare.
- meet with leadership/ character development representatives from USMA and USAFA to help establish a collaborative group to share “best practices” among service academies in an on-going effort also including USMMA and USCGA.
Tom Robertson
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