Class Legacy Gift Campaign Update Memo 1
Posted: 3/27/2018
The class campaign has kicked off this month, and many of you have already received a letter or e-mail asking for your support. For those that haven’t, you’ll get yours in April, May, or June as we’re dividing the call-ups of classmates in two-week tranches.
While I realize you’ve already seen the four projects that make up our Legacy Gift Campaign, I’m going to feature each one every couple of weeks until May so that you might consider which one(s) you’d like to support. If you’re in support for all of them, you can elect to split your pledge as recommended by our class leadership: 50% (Athletic Facility & Excellence)/20% (DMP for Character)/15% (Project Based Learning)/15% (Naval Academy Annual Fund). So, to start off, here’s more detail on the Athletic Facility & Excellence Fund:
Physical: Athletic Facility and Excellence Fund (AF&E) – (The Physical Mission Center)
The Naval Academy prepares outstanding young men & women to become warriors ready to serve and lead in the Navy and the Marine Corps – a mission that makes the cultivation of athletic prowess and physical abilities a key component of the midshipmen experience. The Physical Mission Center for Academic & Athletic Excellence will celebrate the achievements of Navy’s student-athletes, recognizing the vital ways that the Academy’s commitment to physical mission helps instill qualities in these young men & women that contribute to their successful leadership in the fleet, the business world, and in service to their communities. The Center will be located in Ricketts Hall, home to the Naval Academy Athletic Association, and its close proximity to the Academy’s main entrance and the Visitor’s Center will ensure that nearly all of the 1.5 million annual visitors to the Academy will have the opportunity to learn more about the rich heritage, storied past, and promising future of Navy Athletics and its midshipmen student-athletes. Planned features include:
- A 360-degree immersion Video and graphics gallery
- N* Gallery celebrating Navy’s historic rivalry with Army
- Football Hall of Honor
- All Sports Hall of Honor
- Legacy of Excellence Scholar-Athlete Exhibit
- Grand Reception Hall
- Executive Board Room
- Catering & Event Facilities
The Class of 1972 has a specific naming opportunity within the Center if we can raise $2.5 Million for this component during our campaign. Also, this project “counts” toward the Athletic Excellence Fund for those of you that have supported this in the past.
Jeff Beard, Class of ’72 Fundraising Chair
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